Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Brief blog host musings in the morning

I am more and more tempted to move to Wordpress every day now. What stops me is mainly that is seems like such a big project, and I already have a lot of them in my life. I don't need another one, and I suspect that if I do pick up another one, I will have to drop one of the existing ones first. That would not be good.

I am trying to resist the temptation to at least check out Wordpress by creating an account for myself there and play around with the many features. It's hard though. It just seems so... shiny.


Anonymous said...

Get an account, play around for a while, then move. Take your time. I did.

It's worth it.

Anonymous said...

Hej Kristina!!
Tipsades av din hulde fader om denna din blogg. I och för sig var det för länge sedan och jag har tidigare en gång sökt lämna en kommentar - hoppas det går bättre denna gång.
Hälsa Jim och hans gamla familj från the Godfather of la familia.

Mimsy said...

An excellent suggestion! I have now signed up. :-)

Godfather! Welcome to the blog. Vad kul att höra av dig igen. Min bättre hälft hälsar så mycket.

Bloggers kommentarsystem är inte det bästa... det är en av orsakerna till att Wordpress är så lockande.