Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Case of the Stupid Story Title

I bought a new book last night. I'm having a lot of fun reading it; I have always enjoyed murder mysteries (reading about them, anyway). However, with this particular collection of short stories, I have a strong complaint. In one of the short stories in the book, one of the first characters introduced is the village dress-maker. The title of that particular story is Tape-Measure Murder. Guess who the killer is?

Shame on you, editors.


Karin said...

It's ALWAYS the Butler!

Mimsy said...

Shockingly, there is not a single butler anywhere in the entire book.

Karin said...

How can you write a whodunnnit without a butler?!

Mimsy said...

I guess you have to be Agatha Christie to get away with it...