Sunday, June 22, 2008

At long last, the withdrawal ends

We finally have internet set up in our new house. My only internet access for nearly a week has been through work. But now, thanks to the nice Cable One installer who set up all the hardware in about 15 minutes, I am finally back online from home.

Since we moved to a new district we had to get a new wireless modem/gateway, so I need to re-set up all our wireless devices. Every single one, including the consoles. I look forward to a few hours of work on that tomorrow. For now, I have read the blogs I missed out on, but not commented on all of them. In fact, I commented on a very small number. I apologize to everyone I left uncommented. I am tired, and my brain is not quite working right, so I do not have a lot of thinking capabilities right now.

In addition to the above, the new wireless gateway means brand new setup of access rules, with in turn means my Dungeon Runners client can't get online, and that makes me sad.

There are some good news though: After several fruitless trips to the local EB Games I have finally managed to get my hands on a copy of The World Ends With You. I am really looking forward to playing that one.

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